Most references have only quoted the use of intralipid 20% for treatment of systemic toxicity related to intravascular absorption of local anesthetics. We don´t have intralipid 20% in our hospital but we do have intralipid 30%. Was just wondering if intralipid 30% can be used instead intralipid 20% by means of reducing the bolus dose and perfusion rate (e.g. bolus 1 ml/kg and perfusion rate 1.7 ml/kg/min intralipid 30%). In our hospital we treat only adult patients, not children (the use of intralipid 30% is not recommended in childs). Thanks
Sorry, I mean infusion rate 0.17 ml/kg/min intralipid 30%. This is equivalent to bolus of 70 ml and infusion rate of 700 ml/h for an adult patient of 70 kg lean body weight. Thanks