Ask Us > More Lipid Infusion Variations
Good question Brian. Based on the reported cases involving Liposyn and Medialipid (see AA spring 2008) I would guess that Clinoleic will be effective in lipidrescue. However, I'm concerned about the content of free oleate which could cause lung injury if given too rapidly or in too high a volume. Therefore, I would feel more comfortable in offering that opinion if there were at least some animal studies to assess both safety and reversal of say, bupivacaine or other drug toxicity. Anyone interested in doing those experiments?
October 24, 2009 |
[Guy Weinberg]

Regarding the content in free oleate, I want to inform you that Medialipid, which has been used successfully for lipid rescue, contains as much free oleate as ClinOleic.
April 6, 2010 |

thanks for the information.
some laboratory probably needs to compare efficacy of various formulations in an animal model. while they are potentially useful or informative, i just don't have the time to do these experiments. .
some laboratory probably needs to compare efficacy of various formulations in an animal model. while they are potentially useful or informative, i just don't have the time to do these experiments. .
April 7, 2010 |
[Guy Weinberg]

Composition of Intralipid 20%
Sterile fat emulsions containing soya oil 200g, egg lecithin 12 g, glycerol 22, water for injections to 1,000 mL (pH 6.0 to 9.0) for intravenous infusion; no preservatives.
Composition of Clinoleic 20%
Sterile fat emulsion. A mixture of refined olive oil (approximately 80%) and refined soya oil (approximately 20%) 200 g, egg lecithin (purified egg phospholipids) 12 g, glycerol 22.5 g, sodium oleate 0.3 g and water for injections to 1,000 mL (final pH between 6.0 to 8.0).
One of the active ingredients, soya oil, contains ascorbyl palmitate as an antioxidant (free radical scavenger) in the concentration of 0.15 mg per gram of oil.
Do you think this is likely to still be efficacious for Lipid Rescue? It seems hard to be sure until the work on various lipid infusions is more definitive. Perhaps we should keep some Intralipid in stock until definitive work is done.