Fascia iliaca block performed with ultrasound guidance, single needle, continuous ultrasound visulization during the block. No sedatives given during the block-- no other sedative agents used preop.
60ml of .375% ropivicaine, 10 ml. of 2% lido injected over 2-3 min.
Mental status changes began 10 min. after block completed. Pt c/o of dizziness, slurred speech, moderately incoherent rambling. Intralipid 30% infusion started, with a 30 ml. bolus dose given. Improvement was not significant. Pt. was taken back to OR and GA induced-- at that point, at least 300 ml. of lipid infusion had gone in -- pt. still acting sedated and sluggish.
Postop in PACU, pt still appeared sedated. Painfree from block.
Thank you for this interesting post. The patient's symptoms are very consistent with local anesthetic effect. However, I cannot speak to the clinical effect (or lack thereof) of 30% lipid emulsion since this has not been reported previously in the clinical literature. I would have predicted based on laboratory experience that sufficient volume of 30% would reverse the patient's obtundation. But one never knows.....We'll wait to hear if other people have similar experience. Meantime, I'd recommend using the standard 20% preparations as listed in every practice advisory. Guy
60ml of .375% ropivicaine, 10 ml. of 2% lido injected over 2-3 min.
Mental status changes began 10 min. after block completed. Pt c/o of dizziness, slurred speech, moderately incoherent rambling. Intralipid 30% infusion started, with a 30 ml. bolus dose given. Improvement was not significant. Pt. was taken back to OR and GA induced-- at that point, at least 300 ml. of lipid infusion had gone in -- pt. still acting sedated and sluggish.
Postop in PACU, pt still appeared sedated. Painfree from block.