Post Your Cases > early LAST from ilioinguinal nerve block at the end of a LUSCS

35yo mulitp 66kg 163cm
uneventful caesarean section under spinal 1.8ml 0.5% heavy bupivacain plus 20mcg fentanyl
at the end of the procedure, the spinal block had mostly worn off
after closing the skin of incision, obstetrician was performing a bilateral ilioinguinal nerve block with 0.75% ropivacaine through an epidural needle
10ml had been inflitrated into the right side, patient said she was feeling dizzy, but had been dizzy throughout the procedure
after approx 5ml had been infiltrated into the left side, patient said she had ringing in the ears, and she couldn't talk properly and was very dizzy, she also said she couldn't breathe properly
I immediately ordered obstetrician to stop (total dose 15ml of 0.75% ropivacaine). ECG and BP, HR remained normal, 90ml of intralipid was administered slowly and patient reported that symptoms resolved. She remained conscious throughout and cardiovascularly stable, I decided not to continue an infusion of intralipid.
January 3, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterJosephine Maria